Honda CRF 300L EFI Controller
Honda CRF 300L EFI Controller

EHS Racing EFI Controller with plug and play functionality

Work with the proven EHSRacing industry leading base maps for a superior tune from the get go. Then you can still fine tune for your certain application, by still allowing moderate end user adjustment and tun-ability.

Tuning Zones

Our tuners have 6 modes of adjustment there are 3 zones for tuning fuel quantity and 3 zones for fuel timing (when quantity zones turn on or off). These zones are initially configured in our base mapping that we do in house and you have limited adjustment room to make necessary changes for your certain application. All our controllers are setup out of the box for our big 3 packages that we sell although we generally leave enough adjustment to tune for minor cam upgrades, bore size and stroke upgrades, porting, increased valves. But the changes are minimum, certain controllers are tighter than others and the range of adjustment is reigned in. We find it more times than not that the end use for these style controllers, the user wants plug and play functionality. Then when they have a chance to make too many adjustments, they tend to make things worse. The mapping we provide out of the box is what we see the general user will need. This is the main reason we only leave tuning windows of what you will actually need to adjust.

Maps Built In House

Every controller runs maps designed in house by EHS Racing don’t be fooled by the other company’s controllers with merely another sticker on it that all function the same. Significant testing goes into every controller and application and every application has different base mapping designed machine specific.

Do you want this pre set for your scenario?

If you are putting together a package of parts and want this tuner pre set with the correct settings purchase it through our package builder and we will pre set the correct settings so it is ready to use when it arrives.

Your purchasing more than a tuning device

When you want to deal with more than a secretary when it comes to your pride and joy EHS Racing is the only way to go. We are leaders in EFI ATV tuning world.